Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN): A Comprehensive Guide with Case Study

BPMN3 weeks ago

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a powerful graphical notation standard designed to model business processes. Maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), BPMN serves as a bridge between business and technical stakeholders, providing a clear and understandable diagram of process logic. This guide explores the fundamentals of BPMN and demonstrates its application through a case study of a car dealer’s order-to-cash process.

Overview of BPMN

BPMN is designed to be accessible to both business and technical users, facilitating a shared understanding of business processes. Its primary goal is to represent process logic, including activities, events, gateways, and sequence flows, in a clear and structured manner.

Key Concepts in BPMN


Activities represent specific units of work performed within a process. They should be named using a verb-noun format, such as “Check Credit,” to clearly convey the action being performed.


Events indicate occurrences that trigger or affect the flow of a process. Key events include:

  • Start Events: Mark the beginning of a process.
  • End Events: Signify the completion of a process.


Gateways control the flow of a process by splitting or merging paths based on conditions. Common gateways include:

  • Exclusive (XOR) Gateways: Represent decision points where only one path is taken.
  • Parallel Gateways: Enable concurrent execution of multiple paths.

Sequence Flows

Sequence flows are solid arrow connectors that show the order in which activities are performed. They define the sequence of operations within a process.

Message Flows

Message flows are dashed line connectors that represent communication between a process and external participants, illustrating the exchange of information and requests.


Subprocesses encapsulate a series of activities within a single activity shape, allowing for hierarchical process representation. They can be expanded to show detailed steps or collapsed to hide complexity.

Pools and Lanes

Pools represent participants in a collaboration, while lanes within a pool further categorize activities based on roles or departments. This structure helps in visualizing the responsibilities and interactions within a process.

BPMN Method and Style

The “Method and Style” approach emphasizes creating BPMN models that are correct, clear, complete, and consistent. These principles ensure that the diagrams are effective tools for communication and analysis.

  • Correctness: The diagram must adhere to the rules specified in the BPMN specification.
  • Clarity: Process logic should be unambiguous and easily understood from the diagram alone.
  • Completeness: The diagram should include all essential elements of the end-to-end process logic.
  • Consistency: Similar process models should be created given the same set of facts.

Levels and Subclasses

BPMN is often discussed in terms of levels and conformance subclasses, which define the complexity and detail of the models.

  • Level 1: Focuses on a basic set of BPMN elements familiar from traditional flowcharting, corresponding to the Descriptive Process Modeling Conformance subclass.
  • Level 2: Expands the palette with additional elements, including different types of events and gateways, corresponding to the Analytic Process Modeling Conformance subclass.
  • Descriptive Subclass: Encompasses elements for non-executable models, focusing on diagram clarity.
  • Analytic Subclass: Adds elements for more detailed process representation, also for non-executable models.
  • Common Executable Subclass: Includes elements and attributes related to executable process details.

Steps in the BPMN Modeling Method

The BPMN Method provides a structured approach to creating effective process models. The key steps are:

  1. Define Process Scope: Determine the start and end points of the process, what the process instance represents, and the possible end states.
  2. Create High-Level Map: Enumerate the major activities of the process.
  3. Develop Top-Level Process Diagram: Arrange the high-level activities as subprocesses in a BPMN diagram, using gateways to show conditional and concurrent paths.
  4. Expand Subprocesses: Create child-level diagrams to detail the steps within each subprocess.
  5. Add Message Flows: Illustrate interactions between the process and external entities using message flows.

Case Study: Car Dealer Order-to-Cash Process

This case study illustrates the application of BPMN in modeling a car dealer’s order-to-cash process, following the structured approach outlined above.

Top-level BPMN diagram - happy path

1. Define Process Scope

  • Start: Receipt of an order from a customer, including agreement to buy a specific car at an agreed price.
  • End: Completion of the financial transaction and delivery of the car to the customer.
  • Instance: A single car order.
  • End States:
    • Transaction complete (successful closing)
    • Financing unavailable (customer unable to secure financing)
    • Delivery date unacceptable (customer cancels due to delayed delivery)

2. Create High-Level Map

  • Finalize Order (Sales)
    • End states: Reserved from stock, Dealer trade, Order from factory
  • Acquire Car from Local Dealer (Sales, conditional)
    • End state: Car received
  • Acquire Car from Factory (Sales, conditional)
    • End states: Car received, Order cancelled
  • Prepare Car for Delivery (Service)
    • End state: Ready
  • Arrange Financing (Finance)
    • End states: Financing confirmed, Financing unavailable
  • Close and Deliver (Finance)
    • End state: Transaction complete
  • Handle Order Cancellation (Finance, conditional)
    • End states: Delivery date unacceptable, Financing unavailable

3. Develop Top-Level Process Diagram

Top-level BPMN diagram - including exception paths

  • The process starts with a Message Start Event, “Receive Order.”
  • Each activity from the high-level map becomes a collapsed subprocess.
  • Gateways represent conditional paths based on activity end states.
  • Parallel paths are used for activities that occur concurrently.
  • End events represent the different end states of the process.

4. Expand Subprocesses

  • Each subprocess is expanded into a child-level diagram detailing the activities involved. For example, “Finalize Order” could include activities for verifying customer details, checking car availability, and preparing the order contract.

5. Add Message Flows

  • Message flows are added to show communication between the car dealer and the customer, as well as with external entities such as banks or the factory. These flows illustrate the exchange of information and requests throughout the process.

By following these steps and applying the principles of BPMN Method and Style, a car dealer can create a clear, complete, and consistent model of their order-to-cash process. This model can then be used for process improvement, training, or as a basis for automation.

This comprehensive guide to BPMN provides a solid foundation for understanding and applying business process modeling. The case study of the car dealer’s order-to-cash process demonstrates the practical application of BPMN principles, highlighting the importance of clear and structured process representation.

BPMN References

  1. Comprehensive Guide to Visual Paradigm for Business Process Modeling
  2. Streamlining Business Processes with Visual Paradigm’s BPMN Business Process Modeling Software
  3. Visual Paradigm: Your Comprehensive Solution for Integrated Enterprise Modeling
  4. Demystifying BPMN: A Comprehensive Guide to Business Process Modeling
  5. Navigating Business Processes with BPMN: A Visual Odyssey
  6. Visual Paradigm: The Ultimate All-in-One Visual Modeling Platform for Enterprise Architecture and Software Design
  7. Top Visual Paradigm Tools for Business Process Modeling
  8. Visual Paradigm: The Premier Tool for ArchiMate EA Modeling
  9. Mastering Visual Paradigm’s BPMN Tool: A Step-by-Step Learning Guide
  10. Simplify Business Process Modeling with Visual Paradigm’s BPMN Tools
  11. BPMN — Quick Guide
  12. BPMN in a Nutshell — with Free Online BPMN Tool & Examples
  13. A Comprehensive Guide to BPMN
  14. Modeling As-Is and To-Be Processes
  15. How to Perform Gap Analysis with BPMN?
  16. Visual Paradigm: A Comprehensive Suite for IT Project Development and Digital Transformation
  17. Introduction to BPMN Part I – Visual Paradigm
  18. BPMN Tutorial with Example – The Leave Application Process
  19. How to Draw BPMN Diagram?
  20. BPMN Activity Types Explained
  21. How to Create BPMN Diagram?
  22. How to Develop As-Is and To-Be Business Process?
  23. How to Draw BPMN 2.0 Business Process Diagram?
  24. Introduction to BPMN Part IV – Data and Artifacts
  25. Introduction to BPMN Part III – Flow and Connecting Objects
  26. How to Draw BPMN Conversation Diagram?
  27. Business Process Diagram Example: Sequence
  28. Business Process Diagram Example: The Nobel Prize

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